The froggiest and most memeable memecoin in all of history is back in his gym shorts (sometimes) and running all the way to the Bull Run!!!

The froggiest and most memeable memecoin in all of history is back in his gym shorts (sometimes) and running all the way to the Bull Run!!!

PEPErun, born out of PEPE's epic success and newfound wealth, got a little too comfortable living the high life. Faced with the realization that he had become the chonky meme of the crypto world, PEPE decided to embark on a hilarious journey to shed those extra meme pounds.

Join PEPErun as he sprints his way to crypto greatness, leaving behind the decadence of a privileged meme life. Watch the memescape unfold as PEPE embraces the spirit of Forrest Gump and runs towards the crypto Bull Run, proving that even meme icons need a workout routine.

PEPErun– because even memes want to stay in shape for the crypto spotlight! Get ready to run with the legend and witness the fitness-fueled hilarity as PEPE takes memes to new heights on this crypto adventure.